Join Barclays as an R&D Software and Data Engineerwhere you'll spearhead the evolution of our digital landscape,driving innovation and excellence. In this role, you will be anintegral part of our Cyber Fraud Fusion Centre, delivering scalableCFFC services to disrupt and prevent upstream economic crime. To besuccessful as an R&D Software and Data Engineer, you will needthe following: - Experience working within Financial Service teamsresponsible for cyber fraud, financial crime or security (web/app).- Experience with industry fraud and security signals, includingany such as digital identity, device, voice, biometrics, andbehavioural profiling technologies. - Knowledge of malicious attackvectors used by cyber fraud adversaries to target the financialsector including but not limited to Device Spoofing, LocationManipulation, Identity Fraud, Account Takeover and Falsedocumentation. - Hands on practical experience using AWS, Python,Relational databases (Postgres, MS SQL, Oracle, Mysql, etc.), SASPROC SQL, Hue Database Assistant, Teradata, and non-rationalHadoop. Some other highly valued skills may include: - Knowledge ofEnterprise security frameworks such as NIST Cybersecurity Frameworkand Cyber-attack phases (e.g. Cyber Kill Chain and/or MitreAtt&ck Framework). - Previous advanced experience usinganalytical tools and platforms such as SQL/SAS/Hue/Hive Basic,Quantexa, Elastic Search, SAS and MI tools like Tableau and PowerBI. - Advanced knowledge of malicious attack vectors used by cyberfraud adversaries. - Knowledge of security network architectures(e.g. Proxies, VPN, DNS, web and mail servers) and the principlesof network security. - ICA Certificate/Diploma in Financial CrimePrevention, CAMS Certification, CFE Certification, or equivalent.You may be assessed on the key critical skills relevant for successin role, such as risk and controls, change and transformation,business acumen strategic thinking and digital and technology, aswell as job-specific technical skills. The successful candidate caneither be based in Knutsford or Northampton. Purpose of the role Todesign, develop and improve software, utilising various engineeringmethodologies, that provides business, platform, and technologycapabilities for our customers and colleagues. Accountabilities -Development and delivery of high-quality software solutions byusing industry aligned programming languages, frameworks, andtools. Ensuring that code is scalable, maintainable, and optimizedfor performance. - Cross-functional collaboration with productmanagers, designers, and other engineers to define softwarerequirements, devise solution strategies, and ensure seamlessintegration and alignment with business objectives. - Collaborationwith peers, participate in code reviews, and promote a culture ofcode quality and knowledge sharing. - Stay informed of industrytechnology trends and innovations and actively contribute to theorganization’s technology communities to foster a culture oftechnical excellence and growth. - Adherence to secure codingpractices to mitigate vulnerabilities, protect sensitive data, andensure secure software solutions. - Implementation of effectiveunit testing practices to ensure proper code design, readability,and reliability. Analyst Expectations - Will have an impact on thework of related teams within the area. - Partner with otherfunctions and business areas. - Take responsibility for end resultsof a team’s operational processing and activities. - Escalatebreaches of policies/procedure appropriately. - Take responsibilityfor embedding new policies/ procedures adopted due to riskmitigation. - Advise and influence decision making within own areaof expertise. - Take ownership for managing risk and strengtheningcontrols in relation to the work you own or contribute to. Deliveryour work and areas of responsibility in line with relevant rules,regulation and codes of conduct. - Maintain and continually buildan understanding of how own sub-function integrates with function,alongside knowledge of the organisations products, services andprocesses within the function. - Demonstrate understanding of howareas coordinate and contribute to the achievement of theobjectives of the organisation sub-function. - Make evaluativejudgements based on the analysis of factual information, payingattention to detail. - Resolve problems by identifying andselecting solutions through the application of acquired technicalexperience and will be guided by precedents. - Guide and persuadeteam members and communicate complex / sensitive information. - Actas contact point for stakeholders outside of the immediatefunction, while building a network of contacts outside team andexternal to the organisation. All colleagues will be expected todemonstrate the Barclays Values of Respect, Integrity, Service,Excellence and Stewardship – our moral compass, helping us do whatwe believe is right. They will also be expected to demonstrate theBarclays Mindset – to Empower, Challenge and Drive – the operatingmanual for how we behave.